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Duties and Authorities of the Metropolitan Mayor

1- To manage and direct the municipal organization as the highest authority of the municipality, and to protect the rights and interests of the city and the municipality.
2- To manage the municipality in accordance with the strategic plan, to establish the institutional strategies of the municipal administration, to prepare and implement the budget in line with these strategies.
3- To preside over the Metropolitan Municipal Council and Committee, and to implement the decisions of these organs.
4- To take necessary measures for the effective and efficient implementation of the duties and services assigned to the metropolitan municipality by this Law.
5- To ensure the effective and efficient management of the metropolitan municipality and its affiliated organizations and enterprises, to prepare budget proposals, budget amendment proposals, and final account statements for the metropolitan municipality, its affiliated organizations, and enterprises.
6- To safeguard the rights and interests of the metropolitan municipality and ensure the collection of its receivables and revenues.
7- With the approval of the authorised organs, to sign contracts on behalf of the metropolitan municipality, accept donations, and make necessary arrangements.
8- To represent the metropolitan municipality in court as a plaintiff or defendant, and in official authorities, or to have it represented by municipal and affiliated organization lawyers or private attorneys.
9- To appoint municipal personnel and supervise the municipality and its affiliated organizations.
10- To officiate marriages personally when necessary.
11- To fulfill and exercise the duties and authorities related to the metropolitan municipality's services as assigned by other laws to mayors.
12- To use the appropriations allocated in the budget for the poor and needy, and to establish disability centers to support activities related to the disabled.